TPIC aims to create a healthy and safe working environment in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and administrative regulations, to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases, and to make its targeted performance sustainable by reaching world standards in this field. Our only acceptable goal in occupational health and safety (OHS) is “zero work accident”.
- TPIC believes in the judgment of “all occupational accidents are preventable” in order to achieve all these goals.
- It accepts occupational health and safety as an "indispensable priority" in all of its work.
- TPIC acts with the understanding that everyone, including executives, "behaves sensitively to occupational health and safety" in the operation fields and in all workplaces within its scope,
- and that "stopping without delay" the working environment, situations, activities and behaviors that carry occupational safety risks.
TPIC adopts a behavior change-oriented system approach by defining the OHS roadmap to its employees, contractors' employees and third parties affected by its fields of activity, with the OHS principles that support OHS activities.
TPIC OHS Principles:
- Occupational health and safety is our top priority.
- Our principle is “all occupational accidents are preventable, no occupational accident is acceptable”.
- All our employees have the right to work under safe and healthy conditions, as well as the duty to contribute to the provision of these conditions and to participate in relevant trainings and organizations.
- Each employee is responsible for the occupational health and safety of both himself and everyone in his workplace.
- Each area manager is responsible for those working in his own department, other department employees and all third parties sharing the workplace.
- Anyone with management responsibiliy is responsible for creating a healthy and safe working environment in the workplace, developing behaviors and personal competencies, and improving activities within the scope of legal regulations, new technological developments and the rules of our institution.
- TPIC considers improvements, including unforeseen situations, based on risk assessment for continuous improvement and sustainability of Occupational Health and safety performance.
- These principles cover all fields of work.